Status of Coronavirus infection in Nepal

There is no harsh situation of Coronavirus in Nepal so far. The Nepal government is taking several actions to prevent Coronavirus in Nepal. So, there is no need to be panic for now. But being a neighboring country, Nepal should be more cautious to prevent it. Basically, the government has concentrated over the Tribhuvan International Airport. Noticed suspects will be transferred to the Hosptial, said officials from the health ministry. The government has established a screening center of coronavirus at the airport.

Nepal said a 32-year-old man arriving from Wuhan had tested positive for the deadly disease. The patient, who was initially quarantined, recovered and was discharged. The government said surveillance has been increased at the airport “and suspicious patients entering Nepal are being monitored”.


According to the various sources, Coronavirus originated from the seafood market of Wuhan city of China. WHO says that the primary source of the coronavirus outbreak is most likely animals.

Chinese president says that the country is confident in winning the battle against coronavirus. However, the WTO has declared coronavirus a global health emergency, also quoted that they believe the effort of the Chinese government to overcome the virus.

At the time of writing this article, by now, the death numbers caused by coronavirus outbreak have surpassed 250.

What is coronavirus?

According to the WHO, Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans. 

For detail information, go to the official page o WHO.

The common symptoms of Coronavirus attack:

  • Fever (38 degrees C and higher)
  • Difficult in breathing
  • Cough

How to avoid Novel Coronavirus Infection?

  • Clean hands with soap and water properly
  • Cover nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing with tissue
  • Avoid close contact with anyone with cold and flu-like symptoms
  • Avoid unprotected contact with live wilds and farm animals
  • Thoroughly cook meat and eggs

Is there any treatment of Coronavirus infection?

Actually, there is no cure and medicine of coronavirus to the till date. The one and the only cure is similar to the common cold taking care of ownself and OTC.

Sources: WTO, UNICEF, and Aljazeera

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